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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Big Trip Coming!

I am so exited I am going to New York! This is so awesome i can't wait to get there. I was going to go in April with my G.A.T.E. class but to go you had to pay $2075. My parents knew that i could go for less and do all that stuff and more if i went at a different time. So I was relieved when I was told that I could go to NY if I got all  A's. But before Christmas my dad suddenly had a disbelief in me and thought I was going to get all the way to the end with all A's and then mess it up with a low grade. But thankfully I pulled through and made all A's any way.  But back to the NY trip. I'm going because my dad's trial tournament won and is going to New York for the next round so root for my dad! We are going to see my cousin Hans, my aunt Emily, and my uncle Steve. Hans is a person who is really fun to be with. He seems to have a power to make everything fun. He has a smile that is very happy. And when he smiles I can't help but smile too. I am still very exited about going there. This will very much be something to remember for a long time.

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